When we think of “hazard assessment,” we often focus on physical or chemical dangers. However, what if the most significant hazard in your organization isn’t something you can touch or see? What if it’s your organization’s culture – the very way people think and behave on a daily basis? Through four key “clues,” this session will explore how organizational culture can silently undermine safety efforts, and what leaders can do to help. Clue 1: “No one will do anything until someone gets hurt.” Clue 2: “I can’t believe someone would do something so stupid.” Clue 3: “I just knew someone was going to get hurt doing that.” Clue 4: “You had a lost-time injury! What are you going to do about it?” We’ll highlight how achieving a culture of success – one that maintains a healthy balance of productivity, quality and safety – is essential for long-term organizational success.